Inright, Outright, Upright, Downright

I’m inright, outright, upright, downright Happy all the time! I’m inright, outright, upright, downright Happy all the time! Since Jesus Christ came in, I gave my life to Him! I’m inright, outright, upright, downright Happy all the time! The past two weeks seemed to have followed the lyrics of this kids’ song, and they decided it can’t be sung without the motions. Jumping all around, all the emotions and events slung me around like a roller coaster. And God is with me in the midst of it, teaching me to be happy all the time. Inright “Pack ‘em in!” That’s what Melissa told me when Esmeralda’s family just kept showing up. “It’s the Bolivian way.” Sleeping two to a bed, we now have her sister, mom, and two nieces living here indefinitely and feed her brother and his girlfriend and her three kids sporadically. Stated in complete sarcasm, it’s my favorite thing to be halfway done cooking a meal and be informed that the rest of the family will be joining us. Even better is when I thus f...